Koen Hendriks

Hi there, I'm Koen Hendriks 👋

I'm a dedicated PHP developer with a focus on automation and open-source software. I specialize in using the Laravel framework to create powerful and reliable applications.
Let's connect and work together to build innovative solutions.

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Test Driven Development

Building new applications with focus on testability using PHPUnit or Pest ensuring correct and maintainable code

Test Driven Development

Reusable code with composer packages. Simplifies maintenance and promotes code reuse across projects.

Test Driven Development

Deploying Gitlab including CICD with Gitlab runners, Git repo management, and issue tracking.

API development

Developing REST APIs for SPA, web applications, mobile apps, electron and native applications.

Working containerized with docker

Building applications with Docker containers and building custom docker containers.

Linux webservers

Maintenance of Linux servers with Nginx or Apache hosting and 0 downtime deployment using CD

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